Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Some Fractivist tactics-- what successful movements are made of  Clare Donahue and friends interpretation of what Port Ambrose, an LNG delivery project is. (Hint: The only tactic I have ever seen these activists use is deceit)

With todays perhaps surprising news that the Cuomo administration will ban fracking in NY, I have seen many tweets and statements celebrating the power of "the antifracking movement", most of course written by those in "the movement". Having seen up close and personal how this "movement" operates over the last two plus years, I can only say that the lesson I have learned is that the most necessary ingredient for a movement's success is to be willing to win no matter what the cost. What was the cost for this movement to win in NY state? It's hard to say as the cost may not be completely tabulated yet if as the governor anticipates lawsuits do ensue.

For my part, I think it's fair to say that one of the costs is that the environmental movement has lost a lot of credibility. They certainly don't appear to be too concerned with facts. Nor do they appear to care much about the people they run over along the way.

Recently a video was produced by the fractivist movement, specifically by two women, Susan Van Dolsen and Betta Broad. Neither has any connection specifically with Gateway National Recreation Area or the Rockaways. The video produced under the Love New York Don't Frack It Up campaign is interesting to say the least. It features restaurant owners, Councilman Donavan Richards-- people with zero activity at all in the Rockaway Pipeline issue. And it ends with a conspiracy created by the antifracking movement: that the LNG delivery project known as Port Ambrose is secretly intended to be an export project. Via Love NY Don't Frack it Up's social media efforts and the tweets of others, I've learned that their Rockaway episode was recently screened at Queens College. This is one way "movements" work-- through deceit.

A draft EIS was recently released on the Port Ambrose project which the antifracking movement has deliberately chosen to create a conspiracy theory on. A notice from the United States Coast Guard says the following:

"Please note that this application is only for the construction and operation of a deepwater port that could only be used as a natural gas import facility. The considerable technical, operational, and environmental differences between import and export operations for natural gas deepwater ports is such that any licensed deepwater port facility that proposed to convert from import to export operations would be required to submit a new license application (including application fee) and conform to all licensing requirements and regulations in effect at such time of application. In addition to payment of the application fee, licensing requirements include, but are not limited to, completion of an extensive environmental impact assessment and financial resources review which would include public participation."

Liberty Natural Gas LLC intervened in the Rockaway Lateral FERC docket in the winter of 2013. Pretty soon that will be two years ago. Liberty stated that their project might be effected by the outcome of the Rockaway Lateral docket. The last company that wanted to build an LNG project offshore of the Rockaways in 2009 in the Rockaway prefile docket said that the Rockaway lateral expansion would "help facilitate" their ability to deliver new supply.  Unlike Susan Van Dolsen and Betta Broad's theory that Port Ambrose is likely intended for export, there is actually a document that backs up what I am saying. 

Susan Van Dolsen is a liar. So is Betta Broad. So is Sandra Steingraber as Ms. Steingraber herself has written about how Port Ambrose is certainly secretly intended to export Marcellus Shale Gas. That is what it generally takes to win though. (that and some Occupy puppets!)

I guess there could be a silver lining in that this issue in NY state will be resolved. However, since I've recently seen Kim Fraczek of Occupy and Sane Energy in the news giving advice on other pipeline infrastructure, via Sane Energy's anti-infrastructure campaingn (the You are Here Map campaign) I tend to think "the movement" is just beginning its reign. 

Below some "movement" members from their antifracking campout at Floyd Bennett Field in the summer of 2013. 

Dominic RyanBecky Wartell,Owsspag ApolloDanovis SchuffordSteve Powersuit,Andrea LomantoKaos RageDesirée J. DeLoachAllan EatonSusanne IkekpolorMonica HunkenKim Fraczekand Minister Erik R. McGregor.