Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Feeling's The Same

The early autumn leaves me feeling a lot like in the early spring. I feel that if I stop to blink or don't take advantage of my minutes outside, I'm gonna miss something fleeting and fantastic. And then I'll have to wait a whole nother year to catch a glimpse of it again.


Jen said...

Well put. I feel exactly the same way--spending as much time as possible outside.

flwrjane said...

I'm looking over my shoulder trying to remember where I left September.

Beautiful photo.

xo Jane

Sweetgum Thursday said...

Thanks ladies. Hope this autumn treats you right.

sarah said...

Great attitude, nice shot; flwrjane: YES, exactly - where'd September go? As for me: I'm going to miss a couple of weeks of New England's happenings b/c I'm in South Carolina, but on the plus side, there's all sortsa stuff still blooming down here for me to become acquainted with...