Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Tulipa turkestanica at the High Line

Over at the High Line, the Turkestanica is blooming again, featured as the plant of the week on the High Line's Blog. The photo above captures the exact moment I fell in love with this tulip in the last sunlight of the day, its petals apparently closing up for the evening. I was at the High Line. It was a few springs back, and at that time I wasn't quite sure exactly what I was looking at.

Tulipa turkestanica at the lot
Susan, Anne and I planted this really sweet species tulip in the stalled construction lot around the corner when trying to squeeze in a guerilla experiment in learning about growing flowers for market in much less than ideal conditions. I was wondering how this tulip would look and last in a small vase. And we were planting things on the sly that we thought might thrive under the conditions of the lot-- the poor soil and lack of irrigation being primary factors.

These bulbs are now buried beneath the 5 story building that has risen since, the construction nearing completion this spring. But in that singular spring a couple years back, seeing those blooms was more than all right.


frank@nyc said...

Nice to have you back. Seems the Rockaway activist thing is driving you bonkers. The tulips are perfect. I would like to grow them.

How sad, too, to think of those tulips under the building. I have gardens under buildings too, in this town. I think its high time to excavate those tulips, excavate what delights instead of infuriates!

meemsnyc said...

Those are beautiful!!

sbs said...

Those were the days...

Sweetgum Thursday said...

:) They are beautiful. Those were the days. And I require nothing but delight if I can find my way back there that is.