Monday, August 1, 2011

While the Bergamot Bloomed Wild

we went out for a bike ride. Along roads in Putnam and Dutchess and New York counties farther north we found Wild Bergamot blooming in large patches. But closer to the city limits in Westchester County, where these pictures were taken, we passed it too. I've never seen Monarda fistulosa (Wild Bergamot) blooming wild off the side of a road in Brooklyn, but that doesn't mean I never will. It is native to the area and most of the United States, so there is always the hope.

Update: Over at 66 Square Feet, Marie has a lovely picture of Wild Bergamot planted at the new Brooklyn Bridge Park. Just another reason to love some of these newest parks, the plant choices.

Hemaris sp. (Hummingbird or ClearWing Moth) feeding on Wild Bergamot, New York


webb said...

It's a lovely color! So much prettier than the cultivated magenta variety [Monarda hybrid 'Raspberry Wine'] in my garden. Need to start looking for it.

Sweetgum Thursday said...

But 'Rasberry Wine' sounds delicious. Surely a rich color? Funny, I have a double flowering echinacea in my garden that doesn't really double flower (it just kind of looks spastic) and I bought it on accident, but I still can't bear the thought of pulling it out. I think when I'm ready to get rid of something that I planted that I'll actually graduate to being a real gardener. I'm still timid about moving things around.

Gill said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. I am very fond of anything pale pink and that Monarda fits the bill.