on a bloom or to find a good tree identification book in order to make the call on my mystery berry-making tree in Prospect Park. When I first saw the tree growing in Prospect Park, I thought perhaps it might be an Amelanchier. But it hasn't flowered yet like the others around town and the leaves, which have grown, don't quite fit the bill either. My latest guess is the Chokeberry, (Aronia arbutifolia), an East Coast native. I know it's going to make berries like the ones pictured below and I think the fuzzy underside of the leaves in the bottom picture might be the best clue. But I'm still not sure yet. Pretty sure I should see a bunch of white flowers on the tree though soon. I just have to remember to look for it when biking through the park.

Yep, now that we have leaves I'd say chokeberry, too...
A confirmation is always nice. Thanks. Since this is probably the first time I really looked at this plant and tried to figure it out, I'd be pretty psyched to know I got it right. So many plants to learn and so little time to wander around looking at them. Makes me wish I could go back in time and study horticulture in college.
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