Anemonella thalictroides at the foot of a Crepe Myrtle in the Perennial Border at Brooklyn Botanic.
Anenomella because it resembles a small anemone or windflower. Thalictroides because its leaves resemble meadow rue. Since it's native to the area, I guess there's always the chance of seeing it growing wild, but to be honest, the bulk of the plants I see on a daily basis are cultivated. There are some fragments of the wild left in New York City, but not too many.
I would like to see this in the wild, and plant it too. What are the growing conditions?
Maybe you'll see it on one of your trails. Woodland plant. Peterson's Guide lists it as found in rich woods. Mobot.org also says typically wooded slopes and ridges. Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center lists it as easy to grow in wildflower gardens..likes shade, moist (but sometimes dry) soils, slightly acidic. Also listed as Thalictrum thalictroides. Not sure what name is the most current.
Well, one day I may have some shade!
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