Friday, February 10, 2012

NYC Beach (in the sand and proposed gas pipeline construction below)

At Jacob Riis Beach, (part of Gateway National Recreation Area)

I prefer that my NYC beach studying be like the kind above. Taking pictures and making observations (part of my plant identification method) of what's growing in the sand. But it seems with some recent news about a proposed gasline under parts of Gateway National Recreation Area, specifically Jacob Riis beach where I took the picture above, (Rockaway Delivery Lateral Project,) I may have a new kind of studying to do. And it looks like it might involve reading a lot of paperwork on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) website, among other things.

I can't say I'm an expert on the latest technologies for laying natural gas pipeline in environmentally sensitive areas, so I feel like I need to do a lot of research and pay attention to what's happening with this proposed project in a place I love. Next stop for the bill is with  New York State Senators, I believe. I kind of imagine that anyone who spends any time at all at Jacob Riis, Fort Tilden, Plumb Beach, Dead Horse Bay, Breezy, Jamaica Bay or Floyd Bennett might feel similarly. I'm thinking of you, Frank of New York City Garden, Marie of 66 Square Feet, Ned of Sheepshead Bites, (some local bloggers who I'm quite confident dig the area). It's at least worth looking into.

The plant? Perhaps Small Seaside Spurge, Euphorbia polygonifolia or Chamaesyce polygonifolia (not sure which is most current). Native. Definitely looks like some kind of spurge.

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