The Hosta leaves, their glorious buds, and daylily after the flowers from a walk in my dad's garden, armed with clippers and the permission to cut away. The ammi from the farmer's market in a mad dash by Susan as flowers harvested in a heat wave began to give way. The bouquet from two sides.

This post is part of chain begun by Jane over at Small But Charming. The theme is flowers in houses and from gardens. As Jane so aptly put it, it all starts with a walk in the garden. I could forever be going for walks in gardens. The last bouquet pictured here came from at least four different ones, some steps taken by me and some by Susan.
As always your thoughts and flowers have left me refreshed and feeling something is right somewhere in the world1!
xo Jane
The first two are so cool--the green and white is calm and refreshing. The added color at the end is like seeing little girls in party dresses at the park.
I love that you used the hostas, they have such amazing leaves, especially if there's some chartreuse in them. Your arrangments are like lace.
So cool, clean and crisp. Love the white and green arrangements with just a hint of color.
beautiful arrangements :)
Your use of hosta leaves as a base inspires me to do the same - thanks for the suggestion.
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