At Duane Reade today, this sign behind some tulip bouquets for sale amused me. "Trendy Bouquet". I'm not sure I've seen bouquets for sale at the pharmacy before, but then again, maybe I'm just not hanging around pharmacies enough to really be in the know. I'm not altogether sure that the sign really means that the pharmacy thinks that bouquets are trending now or if they perhaps mean to say that tulip bouquets are trending because it's spring or if they're perhaps just looking to unload the last of their tulips at some Superbuy! prices. I do however take my cues on the spirit of the times and what I should probably do directly from marketers in pharmacies, so I stopped at the lot we've been planting in on my way home to catch up on what's surviving there and harvest a bit for the coffee shop up the block. I only took enough to fashion some small bouquets, which I'll get around to after I let them chill out a bit in the fridge. I can't gaurantee the bouquets will be trendy though, (my degree isn't in marketing) but I can tell you these blooms were sweetly anticipated.
Your bouquets are beautiful! Lucky coffee shop. The pharmacy thing is kind of surreal, but I often feel that way in pharmacies.
Those daffs are just otherworldly.
Yeah, jen, the pharmacy does have a weird fluorscent vibe in general indeed. Thanks Sarah. They are sweet.
I don't know which is funnier: the trendy or the superbuy.
Superbuy sounds funny rolling off the tongue. Especially if you say it a few times in a row.
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