Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Latest Development at the Lot, A Door

There's a door on the fence. Interesting. I've been following development and then stalled development, even the city filling in the construction exvacation and putting up the fence all at this lot for a long time, but this might be the most curious development in a long while. Unless of course you find developing buds and flower a curious thing as well. It looks like the foreclosure has gone through and there's a new owner in town. The question for us is whether or not this one will be likely to consider an interim use for it or whether they have the finances and team in place to build or are just looking to sell to someone who can. I don't know a whole lot about real estate and what the chances are for a new project these days. I know there's a large stalled site a few blocks over at the corner of Eastern and Franklin. Most of the new construction in the area happened during the great housing/development boom, but that doesn't mean that there's no chance for new development on this site. A much smaller development? Some opening buds on glads planted last fall with Susan and Anne.


Frank said...

a door IS a door.

Jen said...

Maybe leave a note?

Sweetgum Thursday said...

Yup, Frank. A door is at least designed for entering. Was thinking the same thing Jen. A note at this point and maybe a letter might not be a bad thing.