Sunday, July 24, 2011

Three Cool Things in Brooklyn Botanic's Native Flora Garden Now

what looks like Native Columbine seedheads slowly fading, nearly translucent and illuminated by sunlight

I'd be lying if I said there were only three cool things about visiting Brooklyn Botanic's Native Flora Garden right now. Even in this sweltering heat, the best place to be outside in New York City, besides near the shore catching a breeze, is under some big old trees in the shade. Anyday is a good day to take a stroll in the Native Flora, but in the summer it's always a hair cooler there. So these are just three cool things I noticed on Thursday while visiting. (Probably the coolest place to be temperature-wise and also for learning a thing or two is the Steinhardt Conservatory, where Uli's amazing pictures of native plants line the walls in a display celebrating both native plants and The New York Metropolitan Flora project. 20 years of scientists mapping what's growing wild in a 50-mile radius of New York City, now that's a project to celebrate.)

Clematis viorna (Vasevine) flower drying on the vine

Nodding Onion (Allium cernuum) blooming


sarah said...

you make me want to visit new york, and believe me, that's saying something. =)

Sweetgum Thursday said...

well from your walks just around your home, i'd have to say you're gonna learn more and see more in vermont, but new york city would probably be happy to have you and you could find the stuff if you love if you sought it out hard enough.