Sunday, May 1, 2011

Lessons in Gardening

Spring greens

Larry & Michelle's garden plot, green in spring

I've said before that part of the joy in gardening and in particular having a plot in a community garden is learning from your neighbors and watching other people's gardens grow. You learn a lot from books and these days from the internet, but sharing moments in the sun in someone else's little slice of heaven and admiring their handiwork makes a lasting impression. From Larry & Michelle, I've learned the lessons of square foot gardening and that everyone everywhere should probably have their own box of chives. Of course, not everyone will build it too, like Larry.

From Susan, I hope to learn the art of the perfect garden gift. The ornamental allium pictured above in my garden plot was a birthday gift from her and a large part of the joy in my garden this spring has been watching it grow. And from Joe, I've learned that it's ok to cut some flowers to bring home. I'm usually the one who wants to harvest the vegetables first, but for some reason was reluctant to harvest my flowers, as if I was stealing from my garden and the bees, and Joe had to push me to break out the scissors.

Brooklyn Grown tulip bouquet in window

It's May and the what's blooming bouquet season has officially begun with the tulips from my garden pictured above. They are imperfect, unlike the flowers sold on the corner, but they are pesticide free (and I know the local grower so they are completely PC).

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