Monday, June 13, 2011

Late Spring Morning

Miniature roses, yarrow and lavender bouquet.

For me, there are fresh, Brooklyn-grown bouquets on the window sill (with a foraged weedflower thrown in for good measure) when I wake and spring veggies in bags in the fridge. But I'm willing to bet that for most gardeners, with big space or small, the rewards have already been plenty on a late spring morning like today's. And the days are getting longer still.

"Volunteer" coneflower and Spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa) bouquet


sarah said...

I am Not a City Person, but you are helping me realize that maybe I could survive the experience. Also, I just id'd yarrow for the first time today. Sweet!

Sweetgum Thursday said...

Yay for first time identifications. They are the sweetest. Re: Not a City Person- I bet you'd find a way to thrive just about anywhere.