Friday, September 2, 2011

In Your Own Time

Just because you live hundreds of years past the Age of Exploration in an urban region utterly transformed by man, it doesn't mean you can't go out botanizing in your own time. The plants have already been named, but not necessarily by you. You could spend a long time just exploring the weeds you find by the side of the road in Brooklyn on a late summer day. Plus you won't have to raise any money for a ship to go out sailing to a new land.


Frank said...

I think we need that sense of exploration, of finding new things. Or, at least some of us do.

sarah said...

right on, sistah. I think that first one might the one I have here - - carex flava. I've seen that second one but haven't tried to key it out yet. Doing this - looking around - is what keeps me sane. Ditto, knowing there are others out there doing the same.

Marie said...

Love your first image - very beautiful.

Sweetgum Thursday said...

Thanks to all ye fellow explorers and wandering botanizers. (Marie-off the bike lane, Plumb beach, always something there, but this time of year, magic.)