An afternoon walk again at Brooklyn Botanic. One of the best parts of visiting this botanic garden, beyond the beautiful landscape, are the handy identification tags on the trees and herbaceous plants. If you're learning about horticulture or botany or just interested in knowing more about your favorite trees, this is almost incalculably important. Knowing what you are looking at isn't something to be taken for granted, particularly in the world of plants. What you learn and observe in a botanic garden or arboretum can be brought back out to the great big world of unlabeled trees and plants and with any luck, applied. Today, Brooklyn Botanic's grounds were beautiful covered with snow and the canopy outlined in white, like in the picture above. But I mostly found myself studying the loveliness of the European Hornbeam's winter buds and the early leaves on a few lilacs.

A foreshadowing of spring with some green on Syringa vulgaris 'Emile Gentil'

Winter buds of Carpinus betulus (European Hornbeam) in the Osborne
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